Follow the Dark Money
Who’s behind Project 2025? We dug deep to find out. It’s Leonard Leo, the wealthy neo-conservative Catholic puppet master. Leo has funded 60 of over 80 Project 2025 initial advisory groups, including over half the Advisory Board in 2022, using hard-to-track dark money.
Leo's world is a tight knit, overlapping network of friends, Christian Right activists, and GOP lawyers at The Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, Congress, and, unexpectedly, the Catholic sect Opus Dei. While Project 2025 represents a roadmap for autocracy – a future theocracy - it’s definitely a Leocracy.
Read our 3-part report, also available as PDFs. Dig in. And stay tuned for more.
Who’s Behind Project 2025?
Leonard Leo, a right-wing Catholic lawyer, judicial activist, and Co-Chairman of the conservative legal think tank, the Federalist Society for Law and Policy, has emerged as a key architect and funder of Project 2025…
Who’s Leonard Leo?
Leonard Leo is an American lawyer and co-Chairman of the Federalist Society. He was born in 1965 in Long Island, NY, and raised in suburban New Jersey in a family of practicing Catholics…
Who’s Zooming Who?
Project 2025 is a planned extension of a long game by Leonard Leo and his close circle to remake America’s legal system and government structure to reflect an arch-conservative evangelical agenda…