Key Proposed Project 2025 Labor-Related Reforms
Business Regulations
✓ Businesses and corporations in general would be exempt from so-called burdensome bureaucracy, such as environmental, health, and safety regulations.
✓ Congress will be encouraged to pass the “Worker’s Choice” Act (H.R. 8442), which would dilute the power of unions.
✓ Work visas for immigrants would be greatly reduced to prioritize hiring of Americans even with a low employment rate or sector-specific hiring needs (e.g., seasonal workers).
✓ Much of the administration of business regulations and unemployment benefits would be transferred to the states, who could adjust it as necessary without compliance to federal laws.
✓ “We must replace ‘woke’ nonsense with a healthy vision of the role of labor policy in our society, starting with the American family.” (pg. 587)
✓ The DOL would promote regulations that prioritize traditional families by providing accommodations for pregnancy and childcare (but not abortion).
✓ All regulations that support abortion should be rescinded.
✓ Any requirement for “racial equity” regulations would be rescinded; including “racial equity” as a form of discrimination, since it purportedly relies on racial classifications and concepts drawn from Critical Race Theory. Any collection of data that could be used in “disparate impact” lawsuits should immediately be halted.
✓ Any regulations based on “novel anti-discrimination theories (such as sexual orientation and gender identity theories)” would be rescinded by eliminating EO 11246.
✓ The legal concept of sex discrimination would no longer cover sexuality, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics in any area other than hiring or firing.
✓ Sex would be recognized as a biological binary category only.
✓ Religious employers, employees, and institutions would be exempt from antidiscrimination policies.
✓ “Sabbath Rest. Workers would be paid overtime if asked to work on Sunday, a Christian day of rest, unless they observe the Sabbath on another day.”
For more discussion of Project 2025’s impacts, see How Does Project 2025 Affect Me? (on DEI, Reproductive Rights, Sex and Gender, LGBTQ+) and our Reader’s Guide to Project 2025’s Propaganda. Also our Project 2025 summary and by-chapter breakdowns. All at -- ACD